There has been a church in Broadstairs since 1821. The original was where the arcade in Harbour Street is now.
The present building was built in 1883.
Since that time many alterations have taken place: the spire that was used as a navigation aid has gone, the front has had much of the stone renewed and a glass Welcome Porch has been added.
We are a very welcoming and inclusive Church, you will soon feel that you are among friends All services end with refreshments and chat.
In the last ten years a major Refurbishment and Renewal project has been carried out. This has created a wonderful multi-purpose space which is used throughout the week.
As you enter the outer doors you can see all the way through the Church to the Sanctuary at the front. With a ramp outside and flat area inside it makes the Church more accessible for all.
During the project 4 toilets were created one of which doubles for disabled and baby changing. Also a beverage bar area, a media desk and storage were added.
The halls downstairs are leased to Helter Skelter - a children's nursery - a welcome community resource for Broadstairs.
We have covered our south facing roof with solar panels helping the Church and the planet. We have been awarded Eco Church status (silver level) see separate page.